Shed Stories #13 ‘(I can’t get no) Satisfaction’

I have been trying to settle down and write this newsletter for days now. I am limping through my least favourite month and alternating between mainly flumping about in a brain-fog of ennui and then occasionally being beset by bursts of positive energy which I either want to spend in my workshop working or outdoors walking.

So often at this time of year my thoughts meander into a cul de sac of gloom and I find it hard to get anything done but also find it hard to relax. I get frustrated that I am really not making the best of this time of inactivity. I know I am not alone and my empathy goes out to you if you feel the same.

I am struggling to write this newsletter because it feels as if I haven’t really achieved anything since the hallowed holiday days of Christmas which, for me, sort of stretches from the winter solstice to the second of January. (I would like it to go as far as twelfth night but I tend to start my accounts on the second of Jan.)

So what on earth have I been doing with my time?
I have completed my accounts for my 2023-24 tax returns and paid my tax bill. (A huge achievement! Hurrah!)
When there has been a glimpse of sun I have had a couple of breathtaking solitary walks with Seren in a bid to clear my head. I have also had some pleasant walks with friends and family but it is always essential to get out on my own and also to experience a different landscape, despite the fact that we do live in a lovely area.
I have started knitting again. This is a chancy project as my thumb joints can be quite painful when my osteo-arthritis flares up but I am so enticed by wool and knitting patterns that I have to try again!

I also braved London town to visit family and the Silk Roads exhibition at the British Museum and to attend the Women’s march on the 18th January.

With regards to the book, Wild Folk (that Jackie Morris and I have created together), both Jackie and I have long since finished our part in it. Jackie finished writing all the tales last May and I finished the stained glass illuminations months ago. The fantastic book design by Daniel Streat has been signed off and we hope that the book will soon be at the printers (hopefully somewhere in Europe). We hope that we will soon be able to confirm our intended publication date of 19th June but for now we are unable to be absolutely certain of it. Of course we will update you on the socials and in my next newsletter as soon as we have confirmation.

Until then, Happy Imbolc or Candlemass. Here’s to the beginnings of spring!